Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Post You Wouldn't Understand

>>Pavaler, galimatias and stultiloquent folderol.<<

Understood anything? Didn't expect you to.

Don't worry too much about it; they all mean nonsense.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

300 Words

SEGi College has an essay competition!

And, of course, I'm joining. Not that I expect to win, especially in my first competition.

I'm also not quite prepared. Here's some things I have no clue on. Help me if you can.

1. Which SEGI College is it held in?
2. When is the actual starting time? Do you need to come early to register?
3. What is the topic (in exact words)?
4. How long a time are you given?
5. Are you allowed to bring an essay prepared at home into the competition area?
6. Who will be judging?

Yeah. There's quite a lot of stuff which I don't know.

Some enlightenment is greatly appreciated.

Oh yeah, I've counted the number of words in an average essay of mine, and the word count is 600. The stated number of words for the competition essay is 300.

How, oh how, am I going to write a 300-word essay? It just wouldn't sound complete!

Friday, March 13, 2009

I Can't Get No Satisfaction

'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try...

I really ain't gettin' no satisfaction.

Some o' ma' teachers are bein' real unreasonable, an' I can't do nothin' t' stop it.

Okay. Stop the accent.

Back to being serious.

I have found out the truth. Actually, I have known the truth since Form 1, I just thought it applied only to some teachers. But now I know it applies to all.

I have found out:

Teachers are sore losers.

They cover each other's backs.

The people who lose out are the students.

This happens during exam season. Or rather, after exam season.

Or, to put it precisely, when you ask teacher why question # is marked wrong.

Especially when it comes to the Science paper.

Allow me to explain.

When I was in Form 2, my Science teacher was Pn. Asma/Wan. She was new to teaching Science, which was a GREAT disadvantage to us (2 Batai-ans).

Firstly, she couldn't control the class. Even with Mike Rhophoan.
Secondly, she can't teach (at least not well).
Thirdly, she adheres so ridiculously to the suggested answers in the exam that she causes mass depression to the entire class when she marks their papers.

So, you can conclude she didn't win the Popular Teacher award that year.

Anyway, I had quite a serious disagreement with her about one of the subjective questions in the mid-year exam paper. And so, I told her about it.

And being the unsure self she is, Pn. Asma was reluctant to even consider my answer, since it wasn't in the marking guide. What a brilliant excuse.

So, in the end, I was directed here and there till I finally got to ask the opinion of Pn. Cheng, the Afternoon Head. And so, being quite confident in my answer, I politely ask her what was wrong with my answer, and whether I should get full marks.

Then she tells me: if I was in Ramin, and I needed the mark, she'd mark that question correct. But I'm in Batai, and I am not on the verge of failing, so she's going to leave it as wrong.

And so, I tell her that the marking is not synchronised, since Balau and some other classes are getting that question correct, while my class is getting it wrong.

Do you think she gave a damn? No. Of course not. Why would she?

That was a bit crude, I know, but it was how I felt at that moment in time.

And now, once again, there is another ambiguous question in the Form 3 first term test paper.

Air that has more water vapour also has more...
A. nitrogen. B. carbon dioxide. C. dust. D. micro-organism.

It can have 2 answers; it can have no answer.

They did not say inhaled or exhaled air, and it cannot therefore be limited to that.

Air that has more water vapour is humid air. Humid air DOESN'T have more CO2. Humid air can be from a tropical rainforest. I doubt there's more CO2 in there than in desert air (which is drier).

So, you see, it's a dilemma.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Free from the bonds of words and figures, he soars into the noon sky, and once again continues his noble mission.

Invisible to humans, he treads quietly into 3 Balau's classroom, careful not alert Puan Ong of his presence. Then, one by one, he reaches into the minds of the students. With lightning speed and absolute precision, he unbinds their minds. Ropes of information litter the ground.

One by one, the students jerk. Now no longer bound by the accursed exams, their unclouded minds think clearly. Staring down, they find their exam sheets completed. Staring up, they find that the exam still has another 30 minutes to go.

Finding the classroom way too monotonous for their liking, some students grab hold of a pencil and start drawing. Sketches fill the question paper. Some students, too overcome by tiredness, lay their heads down on their arms and close their eyes, seeking the door to Dreamland.

Suddenly, a hum of voices fill in the silence. The students raise their eyes. Exam is over. Puan Ong struts over to each table, and collects the exam sheets.

When she is almost done collecting, the school bell rings.

Life flows into the students limbs. Thoughts of fun -- fun, a word hardly thought about during the last 2 weeks -- fills their minds.

Then the truth hits them. Exam is over.

They are liberated.

With smiling faces and lively voices, they silently give their thanks to the Liberator.

The Liberator: the one and only, the strong and mighty. We thank you.